Mac Metal Head
I know there are a ton of posts about this stuff, but what I really am looking for is a ligthweight fast text editor that has Syntax coloring, bracket indentation and plugins for compiling and running Java.
So far i have tried jEdit, xCode and NetBeans. I dont really care much for any of them, jEdit is probably the closest to what I want out of them but it is kind of slow and that annoys me. xCode i never quite figured out the targets the way i wanted them to work out. The programs I am writing are only like 10 class programs and i dont want to compile an .app everytime i compile... if someone told me the best way to do a target ill use xcode because it is pretty nice other than the compiling. NetBeans... It tries to do too much, i want something simple and it runs so slow because its written in java. I dont like how classes have to belong in a package for it to recognize other classes that are used as objects.
On my PC i used a program called textpad (www.textpad.com) it is really simple, yet has a lot of good features and is extremely fast.
So far i have tried jEdit, xCode and NetBeans. I dont really care much for any of them, jEdit is probably the closest to what I want out of them but it is kind of slow and that annoys me. xCode i never quite figured out the targets the way i wanted them to work out. The programs I am writing are only like 10 class programs and i dont want to compile an .app everytime i compile... if someone told me the best way to do a target ill use xcode because it is pretty nice other than the compiling. NetBeans... It tries to do too much, i want something simple and it runs so slow because its written in java. I dont like how classes have to belong in a package for it to recognize other classes that are used as objects.
On my PC i used a program called textpad (www.textpad.com) it is really simple, yet has a lot of good features and is extremely fast.