Looking for a USB Ethernet adapter that works with 10.2


I am the law!
The ethernet port on my friends dalmation imac is messed up. It drops packets [I made a different post about the problem]

Does anyone know of a USB Ethernet adapter that has drivers for OSX?
Not that I am aware of. You could try using an Ethernet hub and a very short Cat 5 cable.
cheryl, your suggestion doesn't make any sense to me?

bob, finding a usb ethernet adapter is easy... but finding one that has reliable OSX drivers? That one you linked to doesn't say if its for mac or pc or both or anything about OS.
Give the company a call, or email them. I would think it would work without any additioal drivers in OS X.
Originally posted by Fahrvergnuugen
cheryl, your suggestion doesn't make any sense to me?
Sorry, I should have been more descriptive. Using the ethernet port, an ethernet hub and a very short Cat 5 ethernet cable should help in preventing dropped packets.

In OS X, there are very few things that need drivers. If you find a USB/etherent adapter, I bet OS X will see it.
Ok, you definitely need drivers to make an ethernet adapter work with any os...since all macs have ethernet built in, there is 0 chance that apple included drivers with osx for 3rd party ethernet adapters.

I gave it a shot anyway, I went to circuit city and bought a linksys and a siemens usb ethernet adapter...neither worked with OSX.

I've found a few adapters that claim they work with macs, but I can never find a driver download page to verify that OSX drivers exist.

I wish I could find someone out there who has run into the same thing...
This is so frustrating :(
Ok, you definitely need drivers to make an ethernet adapter work with any os...since all macs have ethernet built in, there is 0 chance that apple included drivers with osx for 3rd party ethernet adapters.

I gave it a shot anyway, I went to circuit city and bought a linksys and a siemens usb ethernet adapter...neither worked with OSX.

I've found a few adapters that claim they work with macs, but I can never find a driver download page to verify that OSX drivers exist.

I wish I could find someone out there who has run into the same thing...
This is so frustrating :(
I have been trying to use a USB ethernet adapter since...last night. haha. it was the one that came with linksys. It works for a few minutes, but then disconnects. it's coming from the router. does anyone have an idea of how to keep it connected? i mean, it works, just not for long. does that mean it doesn't work? i would think that if it connects, then it works, even if it disconnects soon after. i'm thinking it's in the settings somewhere, but i have messed around with that for awhile, and nothing works long-term. of course, i could just use the wireless, but the cable is faster.