looking for ethernet connection on start-up

Billy T

Hey folks

My computer is sad. Its a powerbook g3 and I just did a full initialise and system install (9.2.2 and 10.2 on the 1 HD). All was fine.

I started up under os x and connected it via ethernet to my G4 desktop.

I turned on "Personal File Sharing" and transferred some files from my G4 (nothing system related).

I then noticed that I couldn't open my laptop HD - I could open it from my G4 via the network but could not double click on it on the laptop desktop to open it...was strange...

So anyway I decided to reboot and now I just get this error while starting up

sh-2.05a# Ethernet(BMac): Link down

Does that mean anything to anybody? I tried reconnecting the ethernet and conpletely disconnecting it and all that

Please help :(

Thanks ;)