looking for good hand held mouse for lap top use

Boy you sure ask for a lot. Check out Apple's web site under Made4Mac. See what they have listed under input equipment.
Try a brown field mouse. They are very docile and will not bite your hand while you are typing, though be careful as they might widdle on your keyboard. :-p

One technique I like (and it does take some getting used to) is to use a Wacom tablet with a pen. Place the tablet directly next to your keyboard, and rest the pen over the back of your hand, in the space between the knuckes of your first two fingers.

It takes some getting used to, but it is possible to work very, very quickly and type two-handed with the pen resting on the back of your hand.

Though, I assume what you are referring to is a mouse that is small enough to keep it tucked in your palm while you are typing. Kensington make some nice, small mice for laptop users, which might be to your liking. You'd be best off getting a cordless if that is what you want to do, or you'll get the cable caught on the keys while you're typing.

Of course, you could just do it the normal way ... but then you wouldn't be thinking different, eh. ;-)