Looking for Mac strategy game suggestion


Every couple of years it seems, I go looking for a Mac strategy game. I like the global/universal conquest games, but I get bored with the ones that feel, to me, like it's mostly an exercise of administration. I guess I'm looking for something like one I enjoyed years ago called Majesty -- where I set a policy and then my characters executed it. I want to assign Governors and set the strategy and policy, not manage everything myself.

So are any of the strategy games offering anything close to that? I'm thinking of Civilization, Age of Empires, Rise of Nations, ... what else should be considered?
If you liked the Axis and Allies boardgame from years ago, go to www.freeverse.com and download the trial version of SOLACE. It is a really fun game, though you do have to manage the battles. You can, however, just let the dice roll automatically and resolve the complete battle for you in seconds to speed things up.