Loosing CD icon from Desktop


Hello Mac OSX support member,

Struggling a bit here with grasping the workings of a Mac on a wet rainy day...
I just inserted a CD RW in the Combo drive of my new MacMini. Items were burned on there, burned using my Mac. The CD shows up on the desktop. Opened Disk Utility and do a full erase. I go into Finder to see the CD now under PLACES and listed as "untitled CD" with the black yellow burn icon next to it. Initially I THINK the CD was listed under DEVICES, right under my Macintosh HD.
Clicking on the "untitled CD" with the black yellow burn icon next to it, I thought the burn screen would open for me. However I get the error message: "The volume for "untitled CD.fpbf" cannot be found. Also I discovered the Icon having disappeared off the desktop. Pressing EJECT COMBO DRIVE at the top of the screen in Leopard, ejects the CD. The listing "untitled CD" with the black yellow burn icon remains in Finder... I reinsert the CDRW. The icon returns on the desktop titled "UNTITLED CD.fpbf". Going to Finder I now see TWO listings of Untitled CD with a shiny CD icon in front of it and the burn icon behind it. Clicking both give me the burn screen that I was looking for.

Is this the "normal" way of how this is supposed to work???
