Lost data on SD camera card


This is probably a familiar lament, but please bear with me and please take into consideration the fact that I am pretty illiterate in technical language and still need the steps to be explained as if I had spent all my life in the backwoods and was coming across a digital watch for the first time.

I have a digital camera (lumix) with an SD card. To get the pictures onto my mac ibook g4 I plug the camera into the mac via a USB cable and the camera icon pops up on screen. Then I download the pictures.

A few days ago I took some photos, then, for reasons of experimentation, put the SD card into a 'card reader" - which looks like a USB stick. The pictures popped up on the desktop - fine, the thing works, so I didn't bother to download them. Then I may have tried to put them into a windows computer (I don't recall) but the long and the short of it is I now cannot find the pictures any more.

Whether I try to read the pictures by putting the SD card back in my camera, OR into the 'card reader' stick, all I can see on the Mac is a "unix exec" file. I ran a 'disk check' on the card in the applications>diskutility and its obvious that there are some files there, but I have NO IDEA how to access them.

Sticking the card into the card reader-USB stick and then trying to look at the pics on a windows computer is hopeless - there's a DS_store file in there somewhere, but again no sign of the original pictures. Has anyone got any idea how I can find these pictures again? Do I have to get some recovery software or is there another route back?
Lexar has a free version of their ImageRescue 3 on their WEB site.

You have to pay for the latest release, but release 3 (which works perfectly) is for free.
Brilliant advice - many thanks. Very powerful piece of software and you were right, it's free (although it took a while to find the right part of the site that gives it away.)

Many thanks again