lost language scripts (unicode, CE) :(

Racer D

today I was playing around with editing my keyboard layout in resedit but I cannot do that anymore :(

what I did before the problem appeard is edit .rsrc file in resedit and doing "sudo rm -r ~/Library/caches /Library/caches/ System/Library/caches"

and now I cannot use any other than roman keyboard layout in "sys prefs -> international -> language -> script" I can only see Roman (before there was unicode, CE and some asian)

this seems to be ok:
[racer:/system/library/Keyboard Layouts] racer% ls
CentralEuropean.bundle Keyboard Layouts2 TraditionalChinese.bundle
Cyrillic.bundle Korean.bundle Unicode.bundle
Dvorak.bundle Roman.bundle
Japanese.bundle SimplifiedChinese.bundle

so where could the problem be? any ideas? what can I do?