Lost network port problem.


Machine is a G3 Mac B and W.
I am now three weeks into switching..

Basicly I have a G3 350MHZ blue and white mac and and friend of mine gave me his identical machine which has a 400MHz processor and a DVDrom drive.

I thought great!!! I can switch the Hard disks over and use his machine as it has a faster processor.

So I have switched the drives and got the machine to finally boot aftert zapping the PRAM (god im starting to sound like a mac user LOL).

Everything is running fine EXEPT the machine no longer thinks it has on board ethernet so I cannot get any sort of internet connection.
All it says in the network settings is that there is an inactive internal modem.

This machine dosnt have an internal modem port.
My old machine the drive came out did have one as well as a network port.
Is it possible the drive still contains some old settings that can be rectified??
I know with pcs you would just uninstall and reinstall the required driver but macs seem to be differant.

What about firmware?would upgrading this make any differance and if so where can I optain the firmware required???

Your help will be greatly appreciated....

UPDATE the disk does seem in a bad state,disk warrior even refused to take an image and repair.......