Lost printer after Tiger install


After installing tiger, my hp 1160 laserjet is grayed out in printer setup utility, and I get printer stopped error message on print attempts. I've tried removing the printer from the list and reinstalling without success. I've installed tiger on a new, clean partition on my hard drive; left panther on old partition. Everything else migrated fine. Printer still works if I reboot onto old panther partition.
Gimp Print would be on the Tiger DVD, btw... (we don't want people having to try and find it somewhere on the web now, would we.) ;) But aren't the HPs supported through the HP printer drivers on the Tiger DVD?
I have no idea what Gimp print is, but I'll look for it. Would the hp printer drivers on the Tiger DVD referred to fy fryke be installed automatically with the tiger install, or do I need to look for them? If so, how do you install a printer driver in mac os?
Thanks, by the way.
With my old Epson printer and Mac OSX Server, I had to explicitly track down the Epson driver package on the CD's. It was in something like "Old Epson Drivers" or something like that. My point is that maybe it is there in the install process but you need to pick it explicitly.
I had same problem and it has been fixed

1) Remove HP model printer in Print Center
2) Remove HP preference in System/Library/Preference
3) Remove HP preference in User/Library/Preference
4) Use Disk Utility to repair Disk Permissions after fixed.
5) Add HP model Printer in Print Center then it work fine. :D
I have installed latest hp driver for this printer from the tiger os install disk; printer still has gray check box, and jobs don't print. I have installed gimp print from same cd; can't find the gimp print app in the finder. I have tried MacFreak's suggestion, but I don't have an HP preference in system/library/preference: just printandfax.prefPane. Am I to delete that?
I have used apple's if-all-else-fails reset printers command, and re-installed the printer with same result.
Suggestions appreciated.
He meant the preference (.plist) file in "/System/Library/Preferences" and "~/Library/Preferences".
I have the exact same printer, but connected to my husband's (cough) Windows machine.

I have HP Laserjet 6 Series -Gimp - Print V.5 selected.

How is the printer connected to your machine?
When you look in User/Library/Preference and you ll see folder "Hewlett-Packard Preference" that where all HP printer's preference is.
re: Cheryl question: connected directly to USB port on my iMac G5. Note that when I select to boot to partition with panther, same printer/same port prints fine.
I will check the preferences referred to above again when I get home from work this evening, but I don't remember seeing the quoted preference folder after much searching.
How do I use and find gimp printer app/driver? I don't find it in apps. When I tried reinstalling the hp 1160 and looked for non-hp driver, all the gimp files I searched for were either grayed out or not clearly driver files?
Problem identified; more help needed, please.
I took a different hp printer home, installed it in the Tiger partition: same problem = "job stopped" on printing attempts; and printer partially grayed out.
Erased the tiger's partition; reinstalled tiger, but said no to importing previous settings and app's. Then I installed the hp 1160 lasserjet fresh, and it set up perfectly. Therefore, problem rests with something I am bringing into Tiger from Panther, when using file/setting transfer function as part of Tiger install.
I have 2 options I see:
1. Reinstall Tiger; and use setting/app transfer option to bring in all the stuff I want to from Panther, but try to block the printer settings transfer which seems to be my problem; or,
2. Just reinstall all previous apps, network settings, etc manually; and fresh install of hp 1160 printer as above.
I'd certainly prefer #1. REQUEST:
?Best way to keep printer settings/files from coming over from Panther partition? ?Reset printer function in panther and delete all printers? I have searched repeatedly for the folders referred to above, and I can't find them, even using spotlight.
Thanks again.
I am now having problems with my HP 952c. I can get my printer to print but since I've installed Tiger I have to manually set it to color every time I try to print. This happens whether I am printing from Word or any browser. I've tried Repair Partititions. HP will not update its drivers for my printer - I talked to a HP representative yesterday. He suggested me to purchase the HP 6840 - I checked online and it has an updated driver for Tiger. If anybody has any suggestion about fixing my printing problem it would be appreciated.
Did you remove HP's preference yet? This excate problem that you have that I had before that solved my problem.
I am beginning to hate salesmen - (oops - can't say that too loud, my honey is one :o )

Just buy the new model, it will work - yeah right !

Print Center Repair 5.0 had been released. That just might help you.