Lotus for the Mac


iMac Dual 2.0 17'
I love the Macintosh platform, and have for many years. I recently purchased a new iBook to make my work load much easier. With Airport Extreme, I can print to my printer without transferring files over to my G4 desktop. iCal helps me remember appointments, etc. Of course, I use Office X, mostly Word and Excel. I recently just stopped using AppleWorks. Finally, to my question.
I wish that IBM (lotus) would port Lotus Smartsuite over to the Macintosh platform. I know the market for the product would not warrant Lotus to do this. If we had more choice (consumers) of professional office suites, I feel the competition would be healthy. It would force, each product to remain competitively priced, while driving each company to develop a better product. I am curious, (hypothetically) if Lotus developed a version for the Mac, would you purchase it? What other alternative to M$ office would attract Mac users?
What are you opinions on this?
Well, the price is good compared to MS Office (for the full retail version of Office, at least); I'd have to try it out before I could give you a definitive answer. But I definitely think they should try to port it and see if people are willing to use something besides MS Office or OpenOffice.