LS command on terminal


HampCake Studios
I've tried to change my tcsh config on 7B44 in order to use ll and l command in place of ls -l and ls -al, but it doesn't work.
I've followed the readme that's in this folder:


but it doesn't seem to work (I've followed the system-wide method).

And I've also tried to use a ls command with color by copying it in a folder and adding the relative alias in my tcsh config, but it doesn't work.

Any help?
Thank u.
There is a color-ls package available on - the one that comes with OSX doesn't include the color support.

As for using the l command, I have added a line to my .login script which reads:

alias l ls -la
Thank u, symphonix, but i've already download a colored ls.
My fault is that I was changing tcsh and not bash.

Ok, I've created my my colored ls, ll, l commands by adding aliases in my .login.
Is it right?

I'd like to have another feature:
when I use TAB in writing paths, I'd like that terminal shows me all the possibilities.
How can I do that?
I solved :)

I put the aliases in /etc/bashrc and I realized that Panther shows paths after u press twice Tab key.

Thank u men for your help.