M$ killing Office for Mac?


Prime Minister
Although I'm happy to see IE go (I only use it for Ebay postings, it seems that safari crashes every time I try to add a picture), I heard today that in all the furor over buying up all things Linux, M$ has decided that it will no longer produce a Mac version of office...now, as much as I hate M$ and the crap they put out, we need office...seeing as how the business world (ok, the ENTIRE world) revolves around it. I've heard talk of an "Office type" software package about to be introduced by Apple (not AppleWorks, but something that directly competes with Office)...true?
Sounds like a "I have a friend who knows someone who heard that..." rumor to me. I also heard from the same guy that Apple is going to hire off all the developers from M$'s Macintosh division and build their own suite -- iOffice, based on OpenOffice.

Originally posted by Dlatu1983
Although I'm happy to see IE go (I only use it for Ebay postings, it seems that safari crashes every time I try to add a picture), I heard today that in all the furor over buying up all things Linux, M$ has decided that it will no longer produce a Mac version of office...now, as much as I hate M$ and the crap they put out, we need office...seeing as how the business world (ok, the ENTIRE world) revolves around it. I've heard talk of an "Office type" software package about to be introduced by Apple (not AppleWorks, but something that directly competes with Office)...true?
That is just a rumor. You have to understand the difference between IE and Office v.X. M$ does not directly make a dime off IE:mac. However, M$ gets more profit for each copy of Office v.X than Apple makes off the machine that Office:mac is installed on. The one thing that Bill Gates likes to do is to win. In this game the points have pictures of George Washington on them.
Those were my thoughts exactly. I heard it in passing today in the forums of a pretty reputable rumor site, and was afraid it was something I'd missed.
Office for Mac is one of Microsoft's most profitable applications, ranking in the top twenty as far as the return on investment goes.

It is also the biggest selling commercial application for the Mac platform, and many companies have been able to create more compex applications for a much smaller audience and still show a handsome profit.

And as Mister Me said, MS actually make more money off each sale of Office than Apple do from the sale of each Mac.

And lastly, MS want to ensure that Office remains a standard and that everybody gets into the habit of using it.

So, no, I don't expect there is any truth to that rumour.
According to July issue of MacWorld, they are not. Read the profile on the MS MBU general manager, who says they plan a new Office for MacOSX product release.
CNN story yesterday also quoted M$ MBU spokeswoman as saying new Office planned. Link can be found on the other thread on ding dong...