Mac 9.2, OS X, TCP/IP Printer


I have 2 mac's and a tcp/ip printer. one mac (pc1) has macos 9.2, the other os x (pc2). The printer has a printer-hub with ip All 3 devices are connected with a switch. PC1 also has a internect connection (dial in on demand).

I would like connect all 3 devices to make the following: Access pc1 from pc2 and pc2 from pc1 and useing the tcp/ip printer from all 2 mac's. I have tried some things with appletalk and tcp/ip. But it seems when I would like to use the internetconnection with os 9.2 I have to disable appletalk which I need for connection to the other mac. Network settings are really horrid in 9.2 :mad: . Does somebody know how to get rid of this problems?

What would be the best settings for the two mac's concerning networking?
Are all computers connected to the hub using ethernet? You should be able to print without changing the appletalk setting, I think, if you have them all connected via ethernet to the hub. Set the OS X computer to "print sharing" in the "file sharing" system preference.

Still thinking about this… :)
gsahli said:
Why do you need to disable appletalk?

Because I had some troubles to dial in to my isp while apple-talk was enabled. Should the dial on demand connection work when apple-talk is enabled???

Wouldn't it be the best thing to enable apple-talk and tcp/ip for all connections (dial on demand, ethernet)? Is it possible to enable apple-talk and tcp/ip always for all connections like it is possible in windows os without having troubles?

In Controll Fields I found 3 configuration utilitis (translated from german to englisch):
evironment assistent (umgebungsassistent), tcp/ip and apple-talk. I used these 3 configuration utilities to make my configuration. I am not sure if I have to use several configurations, i mean to specify several configurations for example apple-talk, one to enable and one to disable it. I do not know If I should use several configurations...
I now understand you are using one Mac as a modem connection to the internet. I don't think I know how to fix your problem.