Let's see, what was the original question: is it actually worth getting a .mac account?
If you can't live w/o a mac.com or .mac email address, yes; if not, probably not.
If you like getting 100 MB of ad-free, ad-support-free web space, plus the other features, yes; if you don't mind ads, even on a site like
www.breezeland.com (which I use
www.jabber1.tk, folks! Check it out!), then no.
If you want integration between everything, like your address books, different computers, etc., yes; if you can live with swapping files with Zip disks, backing up to CD's, etc., no.
If you don't know HTML and you don't want to buy an extra WYSIWYG program to write it, then yes; if you do know HTML or you have a WYSIWYG HTML editor, then no.
Even if you want one or two of these features, .mac may not be right for you. Look on Apple's
.mac website and decide if most or any of the features are what you want. Personally, I don't want/need most of the features (I use
www.mail.com, www.breezeland.com, a Palm IIIxe, SimpleText for HTML, and I don't care about the rest), though a .mac email address would be nice, and I can't afford $100/year anyway.