Mac Connecting to Network: Work -vs- home Issue... Help?



I use my mac (powerbook 15" -Tiger 10.4.3) at work and home. I connect via ethernet at work and airport at home. The compter functions fine at work, however, at home it hangs at login, it hangs when I need to authenticate, and software update hangs at about an 1/8 of the way, never completing. These problems do not happen when I'm at work....

Is this machine 'looking' for the server it connects to at work when I'm at home? If so, how do I rectify the situation?

Many thanks,

Do you have any servers that you're auto-connecting to on login? If so, that may be causing the hang. In general, you should look at anything that auto-launches or auto-connects on login.

I'm not so sure about the software update, though. You might want to check this thread.