Mac Conversion!!!


I finally switched my parents to Mac! They are buying two G4 Towers and two 17 inch Studio Displays! They're dumping their Gateway and going Mac. They were blown a way by OSX. The Dock, image previews in icons, how easy it was. I'm so excited I get to setup the new Macs and play wth them :)

This is KUT (stupid):

I folow Architecture on school, and we use macs (Performa's, pretty old ones). But my teacher ( an apple fanatic) said that the school will not give money anymore to buy Macs.... Only PC's, they think that they SUCK. So when the old Performa's are too old to run several programs, ........ mnah, we're dooomed to use PC's!! Nooooo.

This is KUT (stupid):

I folow Architecture on school, and we use macs (Performa's, pretty old ones). But my teacher ( an apple fanatic) said that the school will not give money anymore to buy Macs.... Only PC's, they think that they SUCK. So when the old Performa's are too old to run several programs, ........ mnah, we're dooomed to use PC's!! Nooooo.

Here in Georgia this weekend we had our first "Tax Free" holiday. Basically, you can buy a computer under $1500 and get it exempt from our sales tax.

I went to my local Microcenter to pick up a few things. I didn't expect there to be much activity in the Mac section, mainly because most Macs don't fall in to the the under $1500 category. I'm not even sure if the entry level iMac is shipping yet.

Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised that in the 20 minutes I was there, I saw four people wheeling out the new iMac. Not sure if they were Windows converts or Mac stalwarts, but I was very happy to see the new iMac flying off the shelf.

With OS X and the new iMac, Apple has a very potent 1-2 punch with software and hardware now. And it's only going to get better...

As I've already said, the new iMac is the first consumer Mac that I would gladly buy and add to my Mac family. However, I'm waiting for an all black version to match my black Viewsonic LCD monitor...
I'm home schooled, but at my old school we used about six iMac DV SE. At the time it was the top of the line Mac consumer computer, so I was really happy when we got them.:D
This isn't the same at all because my parents have been mac people since I've been about 6 but I have to brag. My Dad is getting an iMac!!! Top of the line model and it comes on Tuesday. I can't wait to try it out.
Originally posted by Koelling
This isn't the same at all because my parents have been mac people since I've been about 6 but I have to brag. My Dad is getting an iMac!!! Top of the line model and it comes on Tuesday. I can't wait to try it out.

Hehe, change the "My Dad is getting an iMac!!!" into: "My grandpa is getting an iMac!!!" and you're in my situation.

hehe, I convinced my father in a different way. I own a Cube which I had no use for at that moment (having a Quicksilver as my workstation, a B&W G3 as my File server, a Linux PC as firewall and development webserver) so I thought before wasting such a beautiful machine on another mindless network task like mail or newsserver or something, I took it together with it's 17inch Studio Flatscreen Display to my father - who used a PC until then and was impresses by the Macs but never wanted to buy one - and gave him the decission: use my Cube and the display for free, but I take the PC with me so you can't go back. In a week we meet and you tell me which machine you want to keep.

Here I am with another Linux machine as my Intranet mailserver, you can guess where the Cube is :)
Hehe, change the "My Dad is getting an iMac!!!" into: "My grandpa is getting an iMac!!!" and you're in my situation.
My grandpa is getting a Powermac 6100 !!! :) To upgrade them from the quadra my parents unloaded on them last time we got a new computer. Remember open Word and go make coffee? Yeah, it's that slow.
All through my public education in toronto my schools have used macs! From grade 4 on at least, thats when i started to notice or care about the difference. In grades 7 and 8 my school had revision c imacs. And now in highschool i have all macs. 3 labs of dv iMacs, two labs of iBooks, and a some g4's used for video editing and servers. I think that macs work great in schools! They are so easy to use, and within a month of using them all the students pretty much caught on to them. And the best thing of all is how easy they are to manage and fix. It gets pretty crazy when you have so many computers to manage! But with mac it's so easy. We just have a cd w. software and the os, and we just image computers.

And recently my friend who was just starting to get into video editing on her pc came to the iBook lab with me and edited in iMovie. She was blown away and bought a new iBook the next week!
your lucky, my schoolboard, norty york, toronto is pc only, but i think soon they will swithc to mack, i few weeks ago they had a fully loaded superdrive g4 for "testing" purposes...
You guys have macs at school!?!?!

Thats awsome!

My old HS had macs, until I got there. that year,they bought into the big pc lie.

The ycomissioned PC Upgrades (now defunct) to build ~250 new workstations running windows 95. As my four years progressed there, I saw the school buying more and more PC's. In the development labs, we had 800mhz P3's running NT 4.0 with M$ visual studio. The library had P3 400's with windows NT 4.0 as well. Most classrooms have those aforementioned PC Upgrades 120mhz P1's.

The CAD room has 500mhz P3's running windows 95 with autocad, 3d studio, and photoshop.

However, the school's needs progressed as well. In the CAD room, the teacher wanted to get a macintosh for video editing.

And in the programming labs, the teacher wanted students to learn OSX. After all, it comes with *free* development tools.

But guess what? Our highly paid 'network operations team' would not allow it. See, if you buy into a few win2k servers, M$ recomends that ALL your clients on the network also run windows. Well, if they don't, don't expect to hear from M$ tech support anymore.

Also, the school board had bought into a M$ upgrade plan, which did not allow them to buy outside of it.

At the end, guess who saved the Video Editing guys from evil M$?

It breaks my heart to say it, but AOL/Time Warrner has a plan where teachers get free computers. So, now we have a dual 1ghz on order with FCP.

Its a drop in the bucket, but its a start. If Autodesk ever releases Autocad for Mac OS X, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw more macs in CAD enviroments.

All in all, its a cycle. We'll be back to Mac at school before you can say "BSOD"!