MAC G5 connecting to existing wireless pc network


Can anyone help me.

I have recently bought a G5 MAC and am trying to configure it for internet access on my wireless network.

My existing wireless network (ADSL wireless router, 3 desktop PCs, 2 Laptop PCs) works fine. I can access the internet from all PCs and share files from one to another. The network is open with no encryption.

When I enable the Wireless networking on the MAC, web browsing on all the PCs stops, although downloads continue unaltered. In order to regain browser access I have to disable the MAC and reset the router.

Any ideas?
OK, sounds like you might have the PCs set up to use the nearest available wireless point. If you setup your Mac *as* a wireless node, they'll all try to connect to that and any new network connections will fail. Either way, it sounds like the way your PCs are setup is a little odd.

If you have the airport icon on the menubar, you can click it, then pick the network from the list, and the Mac should be connected. If this causes the PCs to drop off, then you'll need to look at the settings on the PCs as this shouldn't be happening.
Thanks for the reply
2 of the the PCs are connected by cat5 to the router and these exhibit the same issue - internet connection is available but browser unable to find any sites with the MAC airport switched on. I will check the settings though.


Sounds like a DNS issue, the Pcs can connect to IP addresses directly, but not resolve them from hostnames. Hence you can download, but not browse.

Try opening a command window on the pc and enter ipconfig /all followed by return. Then connect the Mac and do it again and see if any of the settings change primarily the DNS server entries.

Also run ifconfig in a terminal window on the Mac and check the settings there