Mac Game - Oni on MacOS X


Dear All,

I am thinking about buying Oni for the Mac and I have notice in the last few weeks that there is a MacOS X patch for the game so that you can play the game within the MacOS X environment.

I was wondering if any Mac gamer out there has found any problems with patch. Information that I want is stuff like stability, speed etc.

Any information will be gratefully received.
Well, it runs just fine with average detail on my gf's iBook 500 under OS X, so no complaints here other than trying to beat up on Mukade's underlings while your friend is driving a car at 60mph down a highway ;)
I found that Oni ran on OSX without the patch.

The original version worked straight from the box.

The update is a bit of a mess. The texture mapping of the characters gets very odd and you can turn around in a complete 360 degree spin .. you get stopped just before the end of the spin and you have to 'unravel' to get out of it.

I thought this was just my Mac but I've seen this on two different OSX systems.

I've emailed Omni about this but they never got back to me .. same story when I asked about the likelyhood of seeing a stable and usable version of Omniweb [for which I payed for]
octane: I think you're mixing up your apps. Oni was, yes, originally carbonized when it came out, but the problem of the mouse hitting the edge of the screen and you having to unravel has to do with the original carbonized version of Oni. The Oni application from OmniGroup fixes this problem. Are you sure you aren't launching the wrong application?

All in all, though, it's pretty good, EXCEPT for the fact that after a while the OmniGroup Oni application just freezes for no reason, and I can't get it to start up again, making me force quit the Oni app and relaunch. Very annoying -- anybody else having this problem?
I had OSX on my old G3, and I had the original Oni running there and I had the unravel problem.

Now I have a G4 and I downloaded the update from Omni and it does exactly the same thing, so there's no chance for wrong/different version problems.

I've since thrown the 'carbonized' version away and I use the original from the cd that works just fine in OSX .. without the unravel thing and without the crappy graphics and [because I've just given Oni a quick spin and found another bug I forgot all about] no sound.

Like I said, these are bugs that are reproducable on different machines.

I like Oni, but this is a pretty poor update. I hope they're working on an update/fix...
Hmm, this is odd since I have never managed to reproduce the results you are referring to, and I am using the most recent version from Omni that was supposed to fix things like the no sound bug that occured on some machines.

Very unusual indeed.
I'm guessing that there's only been the one update to Oni?..

I'm hoping I've got an old version and you're using a newer one...
octane: That's very weird, because the symptoms you describe only occur, for me, in the original game application that shipped on the Oni CD. The one from OmniGroup does not have these problems, for me anyway.
Originally posted by octane
I'm guessing that there's only been the one update to Oni?..
There have been several updates, starting with the beta from Omni back in September up to the current version 1.33 released early January. Check to get the latest update.

simX, I've never experienced any freezing problems with the Cocoa port. Maybe I'm just lucky? :confused:
Weird things happening to me are as much of my life as breathing .. so don't worry about [and don't get me started about weird things, I'm a PHP developer so that's par for the course]

StarfleetX: I'll have a look on Version Tracker and see if I can get an update that updates.