Mac gaming.


When I got my eMac I wasn't aiming to get into any gaming. I'm pretty much a console guy but with the Macs starting to gain some speed and power with like the newly announced G5 the thought crossed my mind on do you guys think by the time I'm ready to purchase and new computer some years down the road that the Macs will be all around good enough to get into some Mac gaming? And I pretty much mean seriously. I know they can do it know but you have to own the more $$$ machine on the Apple line just to get a decent run in the game. What I pretty much mean is in the future, do you think I could pick up just any Mac without it needing to be a Power whatever and play games.
Of course it depends on the requirements of the game. Take for example, I can run Half-Life just fine on a 700 MHz machine but that same system won't be able to handle Doom3 or HL 2. And if those 2 games will set a new benchmark and expectations from gamers, we're going to see even more power hungry games.

With 3D games it more depends on your video card, so you'll need at least a PowerMac with an AGP slot for the high end graphics card, bought with the system or as an add on later. So the quick answer is "No" you can't just pick up any Mac and use it for serious gaming.
Also, depends on what games you are after... The rules of Mac gaming scene is that there are not many Mac games out there compared to Wintels of course!

This is the real Ma gaming issue and not actually the hardware... A G4 system >=1GHz with a decent graphics and ram components can play all those current and future games... The real problem is which are those future games? You can bet that Doom 3 will be released 100%. But what about Half Life 2? Halo 2? I think you get the point. :D

As for the G5 and especially the Dual 2GHz beast, actually it is capable to produce games like Doom 3/Half Life 2 that other people will play on their "lesser" computers, consoles, etc. :p
Well yeah cause those G5 PowerMacs will come with GeForce FX graphics cards. From what I read, even a GF4 Ti 4600 would have trouble rendering Doom3 even at the lowest detail settings.
In God knows how many years, we will be seeing games that render high-detail, photographic-quality scenes on the fly, instead of the obvious polygons with textures pasted on top that we have now, and these games will suck huge amounts of power. The computers will be able to handle this, of course, but that is because computers evolve to meet the demands of new software, and software evolves to push computers to the limit. Therefore, you probably wouldn't be able to pick up just any Mac and play any game, even in the future.