Mac going extremely slow again...


My computer is very very slow. When I turn it on it takes forever to boot up. Then if I click on anything like the finder menu or the apple icon, or macintosh icon, I get the loading circle for about 30 seconds to a minute. When I use the internet the same thing happens but worse, a 5 minute video will take around 15 minutes to stream, or longer. I did download WoW after reinstalling everything, and when I play the computer actually runs very smooth, but then I get 3 minute lag spikes here and there, and if im around 15-20+ people I my slag spike lasts for around 20-30 minutes, the I can move for a second, then I lag for another 10 minutes and so on.

Mac info -
Version: 10.4.7
Processor: 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 1 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
Capacity: 148.73GB
Available: 106.95

So far what I have done is repaired disk permission or something like that (followed someone elses instructions previously)
I also put the install disc 1&2 in and completely wiped out my hard drive and reinstalled everything.
I checked my CPU usage and its like 1% or 0%
Because I wiped out my computer I only have about 8GB of info on my computer of 160GB I think.

This is my second mac and the first one I had, had the same exact issues and then about a month later I called tech support and they refered me to a service center. When I brought it it they said the hard drive broke or failed or something. Any help I can get with this would be greatly appreciated, thanks a lot.
Hi Bobby
Open up Console app in Applications/Utilities and view the system.log. Look for any errors especially ones that say IO error.