I'm pretty sure that everyone agrees that within 5 years Apple will bump up idisk and .mac storage limits... however, couldn't they simply add a storage dump feature now... Example... Claude Smith wants to send me a 50MB file to my .mac account. I tell Claude that I can only except 15MB... but if I click on my .mac email/storage dump feature any attachment over my balance will be dumped into my idisk automatically. So, within idisk I would have a folder called .mac email attachment overflow or whatever. So, then I could go there and get my dumped attachment. Could this work... how hard would it to be to automatically rip off the attachment from a file, before opening it...would this create and kind of security issues? If that wouldn't work what about a 48 hour (re)[su)ppository
where I could go over my limit up to 500MB for a total of 48-72 hours per month. So, that way I have a 15mb email limit but once in a while I could recieve huge files as long as I took them off quickly. I think that If we can get a 25 to 50MB email allotment with the storage dump feature to and idisk of say 500MB to 1G I would be elated.