Mac is now the hackers' choice? "Student gets 'A' for hacking school computer"

Brute force password hacking isn't really that hard to do... but I give him some credit.
Then again the password to the computer was a name and wasn't even alphanumeric.
all schools use stupid passwords. my high school used its numeric street address for one of its passwords in the computer center.
My school doesn't even HAVE passwords on the Macs. However, each student gets a random password from a dictionary for the PC's.
lol. I got my professor to sign in me on day when I was in HS.
I installed a keyboard echoer and it put everysingle input from the KB into an invisible file in the system folder. Logged in 2 weeks later (with the help of an at ease cracker hehehe) and retrieved the file, deleted my evidence, and went home with a file full of personal passwords and usernames for that accademic year, as well as all the personal stuff typed by various students :p )

At ease was so easy to break into lol