Mac LAN: I need some newbie help!


Barking at the moon.
<props to me>My roommate's Dell finally bit the dust and while he was looking for a new laptop I convinced him to get an iBook .. another switcher!</props to me>

So here's the setup:
Airport Basestation (the silver one)

Both Macs are connected to the basestation and can get internet, so that's all good. Is there a way these two computers can share files w/o having to transfer them into eachother's Public Dropboxes? We would like to be able to just browse the other computer's harddrive, is this possible? (and if so, how? :)

Thanks for your help, I'm not really sure what I'm doing. Heh!
Home dir's are always restricted to the user for whom they are named.

So if your userid on your Mac is "themacko", just have your friend log into your network drive as "themacko" and he'll have the same access capability that you have.

Alternately, you can try changing permissions on your home folder - do a Get Info on it, and set "Everyone" to "Read & Write". I haven't tried this though - can't swear it will work.
Why don't you use the shared folder in /Users/Shared for the things you have ti share ? In jaguar, the Get Info is not working propely. You should use the terminal and type "chmod -R 777 FolderName" to get the full acces of your folder (but it's not a very good idea...). The -R option is for changing right on all your subfolder.
The first number is the right for the owner, the 2, for the group of the owner and the third is for every one and 7 is for read, write, execute permission. For more info type "man chmod"
Hope that it will help you