MAC MAC(physical) address & photo software


how do I find the Mac address on my Mac laptop? I'm still tyring to get used to my new mac...also the photo editing software, whenever I save the pics as JPEG, it does not really save them as JPEG, it saves it in it's own format and I can't figure out why. help?
For the MAC address go to the terminal and type ifconfig that will spit out the info on each interface and its associated MAC address.

As for the picture thing, what application are you using?
hi I´m not sure where the terminal is in a mac computer (is my 1st MAC so im clueless) there a equivalent of the cmd command or the DOS prompt in windows?

the photo software is photoimpression.

The Terminal app is located in your utilities folder:

You can also use Spotlight to find it, in Tiger.
I'm not familiar with that app, but you could use iPhoto or try to change the type in Preview.
Also, if you launch System Profiler and select Network from the list, you'll get a list of all your network interfaces along with their MAC addresses and other information.