Mac mail exchange set up


I can receive emails fine from our exchange server, and can send emails to anyone inside our company, but cannot send to any other outside email address. Here is the error message I am receiving.
"Cannot send message using the server AMI"
"check your smtp settings and username and password"

I have verified these settings with our IT guy. I am the only one with a Mac in the company and the IT employee just says get a real computer.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


I can receive emails fine from our exchange server, and can send emails to anyone inside our company, but cannot send to any other outside email address. ...
This question has been asked and answered too many times to count. It is fairly common for firms to block outgoing mail through outside SMTP servers. This is a security measure. You may be able to get around this restriction by using Port 567 for outside SMTP access rather than the default Port 25. If the workaround does not work, then you may add a Reply to: line to your outgoing mail and send it through your Exchange server. However, your best bet may be to use your outside ISP's webmail client. Use Mail or another standalone email client at home.
Do you send the internal emails also through the same mailserver ?

Check the method of authentication for the mailserver. This might be different from the default method using WinTel.

Otherwise try to find out the smtp server of the provider and use that one (even for internal mails).

Good luck, Kees