Mac-Maniac Puzzler


Scratch & Sniff Committee
Okay, here's a little Mac OS X puzzle thingy for you guys to figure out. You'll know what the prize is when you find it...
So, if you're a Mac Maniac, give it a bash. ;) (hint hint)

clear;echo "\$t=\".bq buj frab rug ren ,qyebj rug rtanup anp lrug xavug bg uthbar lmnep ren buj rycbrc rug rfhnprO .fhvart rrf rj ,frab lmnep rug fn zrug rrf rzbf ryvuJ .rycbrc rfrug ebs fybbg rxnz rJ ?fyrruj ab lebgnebony n rrf qan granyc qre n gn rmnt eB ?arggvej arro erira f'gnug tabf n enru qan rparyvf av gvf eB ?gen sb xebj n rrf qan fnianp lgczr an gn rengf hbl anp rfyr jbU .lmnep ro bg rinu lrug rolnZ .revcfav lruG .rgnrep lruG .rebyckr lruG .ynru lruG .ravtnzv lruG .gariav lruG .ftavug rtanup lrug rfhnprO .zrug rebatv fv bq g'anp hbl tavug lyab rug ghboA .zrug lsvyvi ,zrug lsvebyt ,zrug rirvyrofvq ,zrug rgbhd ,zrug ugvj rretnfvq ,zrug rfvnec anp hbL .bhd fhgngf rug ebs gprcfre ba rinu lrug qaA .fryhe sb qabs gba re'lruG .lygarerssvq ftavug rrf buj frab ruG .frybu renhdf rug av ftrc qahbe ruG .ferxnzryohbeg ruG .fyrore ruG .fgvsfvz ruG .frab lmnep rug bg f'rerU\";until(\$t eq \"\"){\$v=ord(chop(\$t));if((\$v>65&&\$v<77)||(\$v>96&&\$v<110)){\$v+=13;}elsif((\$v>76&&\$v<91)||(\$v>109&&\$v<123)){\$v-=13;}\$c=\$c.chr(\$v);}print \"\$c\n\";"|perl
It sounds like we have a WINNER!

Congratulations, Boi. You've obviously found the prize, and pick up the bonus Herve's Bar & Grill Drink Card. Okay, so they're imaginary prizes, but at least you can be smug. Well done!

We'll give the others another day to figure it out before we tell them.

(Oh, incidentally, I did it that way because I couldn't get it to work through tcsh. The delimiters weren't going to handle the symbols correctly.)
i couldn't get it to work at all, but i just kind of figured it out. ASCII +-13, figured out the last few words or so and bam! ^_^
Hey...he only got the last few lines...that should disqualify him! :D

Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify them, vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. Maybe they have to be crazy. How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? Or sit in silence and hear a song that's never been written? Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels? We make tools for these people. While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

How's that? ;)

Here's one back to you.

And a hint: The last becomes the first.

76 56 C6 C2 C2 06 36 16 E2 07 96 F7 52 07 06 17
37 32 07 46 86 97 32 07 46 57 37 43 F5
You can get it to work by following these steps:

1. Copy the puzzler
2. Open Terminal
3. Type "bash" (enter)
4. Paste the puzzler in
5. Press Enter.

That was the reason I gave the hint "Give it a bash". The only reason I couldn't get it to work natively in tcsh (and thus skip the "bash" step) is because it handles delimiters differently. I racked my brains on it, but couldn't find a way to make tcsh accept it.

I'm having a look at the new puzzler now, DarkShadow... :-)