mac mini ethernet


My wife has just bought a mac mini and her ethernet connection doesnt appear to be allowing her to connect to the internet (wired adsl router). The connection TCP/IP panel shows a working IP address and the fault finding / help wizard is positive until the internet and server parts are checked.
This was a new install last night, once up and running, permissions were repaired. I'm afraid I don't know which version of OSX.4 it is running (asking at the moment is a bit difficult!)but it was delivered yesterday!
I am posting this remotely having spoken on the phone to her, and will need to sort this when I get home tonight. My own G4 (X.3.9) was working last night as was the XPHome pc, both also connected to the same router.
Any ideas please before she insists on sending it back and reverting to her old OS9 200mhz powermac (I'll have to fix that first too!)
There will not be anything wrong with the Mac mini, at least not a physical hardware problem, if it is getting an IP address. Since it gets this address, it proves that the network hardware is working as designed. It sounds like it is more likely to be a fault with the router setup or the Network properties.

First, make sure the settings in System Prefences --> Network exactly match what you've set for your G4. Then, try switching ports on the router and consult the manual for the router.
Thanks for confidence boost!
I also rang my service provider who gave me manual DNS details which along with a router reboot finally got it going. Hurrah!
I have found since that it stopped any access to the web and mail from the other computers when put to sleep rather than shut down. Any reason for that?