Mac Mini opinion

Paul C

I have a Power Mac G4 AGP (see sig for spec) and thought about getting a Mini Mac as I have limited space, I upgraded my Powermac as I was going to get into video/dvd editing but all I do is minor imovie editing from my DV camcorder, also I just use the Powermac for surfing the net, streaming video (xbox reviews), listening to music and creating the odd word doc.

If I was to trade in the Powermac for a 1.4ghz Mini Mac do you think it would be a stupid idea?

Also how upgradable are the Mini Mac in terms to HDD, RAM and maybe graphics card? :confused:
only thing I can see as a major problem, unless theres anything else, is the hard disk speed the mini has is I think 4200rpm and my quicksilver is 7200rpm? SUrely this ony applies to when I save and access the hard drive? the processor will be 1.4 on the mini as apposed to my 867? or have I got it seriously wrong?
If need be, buy yourself a 7200RPM model (40GB is $150, 60GB is $175) then E-Bay the original one or buy a firewire enclosure and use it for backup/extra storage.
I don't think the harddrive speed would be an issue for anything that has been mentioned so far, except the video editing. doing things like playing mpegs that are up to a somewhat large resolution should be fine, but i think you will run into issues with doing DV files. the easiest solution to that though is to get an external 7200 rpm drive do use as your video drive.
There is a noticable load time difference with a slower drive. For instance, my iBook G4 800 MHz takes longer to load programs than a 400 MHz G4 PowerMac

Perhaps run xbench on your PowerMac and compare it to the scores of the mini.

Paul you should also consider how much it is going to cost you to upgrade to the same specs as your PowerMac. You have 640MB of ram, the mini ships with 256MB that is going to be a considerable price increase to upgrade. Also think about the video card, the mini has a 32mb 9200 where you have a 64Mb 9000, the 9000 with more memory might be a better card.
Best thing I ever did with my Beige G3 was throw a 7200RPM drive in it. NOTICEABLE difference. Same with the Lacie EXT FW drive I use with the iBook...HUGE difference from the stock internal one.

The Mini only has 1 RAM you'll be stuck with either a 512MB or 1024MB chip as your only option for upgrading, then you'll have the stock 256MB chip to sell off or keep. Video card isn't upgradeable. Doubt the processor will ever be upgradeable.

I just switched my cousin over to a Mac, wound up getting him a G4 400 AGP machine. The Mini just wasn't capable enough for him in the long run, upgrading an older machine is a better option for him IMO.