Mac Mini PDC



I would like to set up my Mac Mini as a Windows Primary Domain Controller (PDC) with roaming profiles for my home network (4 XP Pro / Linux PCs and 2 Macs). I'm currently running OS X 10.4 (Tiger) client, not OS X Server. Is this possible using the Samba server that comes with Tiger? If so, do you have any suggest on how to do it? I know it easy with OS X Server, but the license cost more than the Mini... ;-)

Thanks for your time and support!

No, but you can install any of the available PPC-based Linux distributions that will allow you more flexibility in configuring it as a Samba server. The ones that use KDE as their desktop environment have a configuration section for Samba services that might be easier than configuring the smb.conf file right off the bat.

Check out DistroWatch for the available PPC-based Linux distros out there. Good luck!

Thanks for your reply! Why cann't you configure the the smb.config by hand to be a PDC? Are all the features not enabled in the OS X version?

Thanks again!