Mac or Linux??

Mac or Linux?

  • speed - linux

  • reliability - mac

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The debate continues from those windows users that Linux is far better than a Mac will ever be. Now try to explain that OSX is Unix based and watch the fur fly!!!! Good ole Bill Gates and M$ have brainwashed another group of people again! Does the madness ever end?
Sorry, what was the question again? ;-)

If it was 'what is important to me in a computer platform' then I would have to say reliability outranks speed. If you're going to post a poll, at least make it a question. And what debate were you talking about?

And I doubt that M$ would ever do anything that might promote Linux. Linux is eating into their market share heavily, especially over the last couple of years.

Still, welcome to the forum.
Linux is Speed I guess. And Mac is Reliability.

I choose Reliability. Linux sucks in that it takes a rocket scientist to use it.. to even install a program! I tried to convert to Linux but it wouldn't work. When I got it to work, I couldn't DO ANYTHING. Not even the simplest thing such as change the monitor resolution. Linux will NEVER replace Windows. No matter how hard it tries.

End rant.

I love the Mac. :D
assuming mac is reliablity (and i changed the poll choices to reflect that), i picked that one. however my real resaon is that i would never want to use any os that constantly demanded i be typing to make it work. i would have learned DOS years ago if i wanted that pain in the @ss. i would have gone on to become a pc fanatic and rant about how stupic macs are. i would have started a penguin collection and a wardrobe of t-shirts with saying on them that nobody but other linux users would ever understand. sorry, i'm a visually oriented, point and click me where i need to go, kinda guy.
I couldn't DO ANYTHING. Not even the simplest thing such as change the monitor resolution.

Oh, but this is so easy under Linux. All you need to know is:

- The chipset your graphic card is running on
- The video RAM in kilobytes
- The horizontal and vertical refresh rates of your monitor.
- Edit xf86config from the command line, and
- reinitialise the x-server by terminating its process ID and then running an init 7.

Tah Dah! Okay, that might be a little exagerated, but it ain't far from the truth.

Looks like we scared Confederate Yank away. Or perhaps they couldn't remember what their question was either, and can't find the post!

Ed, I'm not sure that the poll makes any more sense now than it did before. The original question was "Does the madness ever end?"

So the answers would be:

Speed - Yes, the madness ends quickly in a horrific crash of electrons.

Reliability - Nope. The madness just goes on and on forever.

In this sense, I would like to choose "Windows" ;)
Mandrake Linux 9.0 seemed easy enough to use, but still not at the level of Mac OS X or Windows XP: Actually, XP seems like a better option every day, OS X is too bloated to ever get the speed, and Linux is too geeky to ever become easy enough for the novice.

In the question of reliability vs. speed, I'll choose reliability, but if Apple let us choose I'd have both and rather cut down on effects like drop-shadows...I'll sacrifice eye-candy to get speed and reliability...
What's all the problem about Linux not being easy? The wife of my uncle says it's easier than Windows (and she isn't a mac user) ..

If the speed goes for Linux .. and i want speed on Mac I'll simply use a less GUI-beauti programs to use.. if i can do something from terminal without any GUI, why would the same thing generally be faster in konsole? Nah. Mac because maby of the things i like (or need) don't have their complete equivalents for Linux. Maybe instead of the speed-reliability thing it could be closed vs open source. Just bring Photoshop (GIMP is in some things very annoying so it's enough said 'just use GIMP and bluefish') and Dreamweaver, etc etc Adobe and Macromedia products to Linux and then see if any users migrate...

Besides, whno in a Mac board would openly prefer a Linux or vice versa? Linux is kewl but i have no need for it, i've got a mac .. and i like progs that wore originally for unix ...
Heh, I'd have a hard time choosing this one. I've been using the Mac OS for 9 years or so (since 7.5 came out, however long ago that was) and Linux for 6 years. Err...I never thought Linux was difficult, but then again, I am a geek. :D

For the record...I wouldn't exactly say the Mac OS was reliability. Now, it's a lot more so o' course, but now it's much more Unix too. :p I also wouldn't exactly say Linux is speed - not that it's slow, just that it does take learning it to actually use it well.

But don't spend a lot of time typing in Linux unless you want to. It also has a window manager (well, a few actually), which are every bit as good as any other GUI, and you don't have to go to the console if you really don't want to.

And there are too ways to change the monitor resolution in the window manager. :p

As to picking - think I'd pick OS X.... 'cause it's both Unix and the Mac OS, and I love 'em both :)
Linux GUIs are terrible. Installations and other operations are terrible. Until a commercial company sells it as a product, as opposed to a service, it will never be able to compete with Mac or Windows.

I know drove's of Unix geeks who want a well thought out product, open architecture, and not M$. They are buying Macs.

XP is nice. It has as many quirks as OSX. But its Microsoft.

Both Linux and M$ suffer from a similar problem. The hardware and software for a single computer are developed by two companies that do not talk to each other on a detailed design level.

The integration of Hardware and Software that Apple has been offering for over twenty years is finally getting some credit in the industry.