Mac OS 9 and OS 10 (again)


I'm a new user, but it seems from reading briefly that I'm not the only one with this problem.

I recently upgraded to OS X and am having trouble opening critical applications in OS 9. I can't find other postings with the same problems I am having. The appications I am trying to open are Adobe 6.0 and Microsoft Office (98). OS classic starts up fine, and the application will to load seem to load fine, but when I attempt to open a document in photoshop or power point, or try to acquire an image from a scanner in photoshop, the application quits and its icon disappears immediately off of the dock. When I restart the application, it will just bounce away on the dock merrily, until I force quit. Occasionally, the application will start and there will be NO OS 9 toolbar (grrrr.) I haven't tried restarting IN OS 9.2 yet and running the application from there, mostly because of fear (how do you get back to OS X after that (excuse my naivete)). If anyone can help me with this, it would be much appreciated (I am putting together a Keynote presentation, and I'm kind of screwed if I can't scan images). Cheers.

Do you start Classic BEFORE launching the app or you double click on the app? Remember to ALWAYS launch Classic before any classic running app. Hope this will help you... If the same thing happens then I don't know...
Originally posted by graeme
I'm a new user, but it seems from reading briefly that I'm not the only one with this problem.

I recently upgraded to OS X and am having trouble opening critical applications in OS 9. I can't find other postings with the same problems I am having. The appications I am trying to open are Adobe 6.0 and Microsoft Office (98). OS classic starts up fine, and the application will to load seem to load fine, but when I attempt to open a document in photoshop or power point, or try to acquire an image from a scanner in photoshop, the application quits and its icon disappears immediately off of the dock. When I restart the application, it will just bounce away on the dock merrily, until I force quit. Occasionally, the application will start and there will be NO OS 9 toolbar (grrrr.) I haven't tried restarting IN OS 9.2 yet and running the application from there, mostly because of fear (how do you get back to OS X after that (excuse my naivete)). If anyone can help me with this, it would be much appreciated (I am putting together a Keynote presentation, and I'm kind of screwed if I can't scan images). Cheers.


Getting back in X is easy...
When in OS9 open control panels, find 'Startup disk', run it and it should show you which 'systems' you can boot from. Just click on the one with Mac OSX in it and then :
a) Hit the restart button (the one within Startup disk)
b) Quit Startup disk and restart your mac in the usual way

What's the difference between the two methods? Occasionally, method (a) causes OS9 on my machine to do a disk check next time it's started up?

Auto starting classic:
In X go to System Prefs, click classic and there's an option to start Classic when X loads.

Other thoughts:
Try booting straight into 9, see if you can still scan things etc.
If you can... Do all your scanning in 9 and then reboot into X for keynote.
I still use this method for scanning into Photoshop, I should probably investigate OSX drivers for my scanner but I like my little excursions back into 9 :)
There is strictly no use in upgrading to X if you're still using OS9 applications launched in Classic. :rolleyes:

You shoud consider moving your software to the X platform, ie. upgrade Adobe (which one ? Illustrator ?) and Office to more recent versions which you will be able to run in OSX. Only then will you enjoy the OSX environment.
Originally posted by toast
There is strictly no use in upgrading to X if you're still using OS9 applications launched in Classic. :rolleyes:

You shoud consider moving your software to the X platform, ie. upgrade Adobe (which one ? Illustrator ?) and Office to more recent versions which you will be able to run in OSX. Only then will you enjoy the OSX environment.

If Graeme was using only OS9 apps then I would agree with your 1st point, but he's also using keynote which is OSX only so he's stuck with co-existing for the moment.

Dumping all your OS9 apps and buying new OSX versions can be prohibitively expensive, Apple gave us classic so we could move over gently when time, budget, training (oh yeah and drivers) allow.

The purist approach is a nice idea but we use Apple to get things done so Graeme should use what he has and enjoy the 'Apple' experience (both OS9 and OSX where/when appropriate).
With regard to upgrading to X, I've just got two X bootable only Dual 1.25, so I can't get back to 9, but anyway, I'm running Xpress in classic which isn't to bad beyond the screen redraw issues, but the font issues in jag 10.2.4 well when I say issues, Illustrator 10 tryout crashes more than a nun in a formula 1 car, now in a busy print production evironment it's startin to annoy the shite outta me, I'm using Font Reserve 3.1 for font management, I'm testing the viability of X in a production environment but it's not prooving easy, is anyone having the same problems I am, when my full version of Ill. 10 arrives will it be any more stable with the updates etc, don't get me wrong I like X a lot, Pshop feels a bit more stable, but I rarely use fonts in it, any ideas?