Mac OS 9 is dead.


Staff member
Steve Jobs said so. ... Not for customers, maybe, but for developers. So Mac OS 9 is dead, and its successor is called Mac OS X. Jaguar 'late summer', this means autumn (October) in developer's jargon, right? :/ ... Well, let's have beta versions for paying customers, I say. Can't wait to let my folders spring. said "later this Summer", not "late summer". That means just not this second. So I'm assuming their talking about MWNY 2002.
Hmm... I guess whether it's July or September/October, we'll see a *lot* of leaked Jaguar builds from late May on towards the release. Like we did for Cheetah and Puma. This will lead to a lot of threads that go 'I've seen the light' with answers that go 'You're a software pirate!'.

I know that I will be very, very interested in testing Jaguar. (I've stopped calling it 10.2 or 10.5, like Apple has, because it'll be almost a year after 10.1 when it finally appears on our computers...)
"Quartz Extreme: Takes the compositing engine in Quartz, and accelerates it in graphics cards. Combines 2D, 3D and video in one hardware pipeline via OpenGL. "Everything on the screen is being drawn in hardware by OpenGL." Requires AGP 2x and 32MB of video RAM." - Does that mean I'll *need* to buy a new TiBook in order to see *any* speed advance from Puma to Jaguar? My TiBook 500 still has many months ahead according to my bank account, although the little figure on my shoulder (I only have one) whispers to me, that I *really* also need the enhanced resolution of a 800 MHz TiBook. And what about the iBooks? If no new iBooks will be out that can accelerate Quartz like that (via OpenGL) - will they just *suck* with Jaguar, compared to a 'real' machine like a TiBook or a PowerMacintosh?
I am sad after heard that it requires 32MB!! My TiBook 667 is one month old and now... it's 16MB only...

I hope the RAM is upgradable...
Oh la la! Could this be the first step towards an Apple PDA running Mac OS X "lite", or is this just a response to the Microsoft "Mira" pen tablet?

Inkwell. Handwriting recognition technology. Recognized by any application that uses text, even basic UNIX applications like Terminal.
For the up coming os release he announces that Apple is two years ahead of the other “guys”, whereas the costumers who keep Apple way ahead of time will be forced to spend some more dollars if they want to keep their OS X up to date. – The 32MB video board will maybe drive apple two years ahead but will make many customers wonder if apple is a really reliable and affordable product after all. :rolleyes:
os9 might be dead development wise, but not user wise :p I still plan on using it, heck my machine cant run quartz extreme and I dont have the $$$ to upgrade, besides I still have a lot of life left on my machine to just chuck it away :p

:mad: :mad: WHAT?!?!?!?! :mad: :mad:

...And i am still Familarising myself with Mac OS 8.1, on my 68k! LOL!
Ah Well, i think its Cool! :D

<< Roll on PPC Emulation! (Until i get my Mac! :D) >>

Let's follow Steve Jobs, let's just follow him. Okay, Quartz Extreme won't run on my TiBook, which is still a wonderful machine. Jaguar will be further optimized for G3 and G4 processors, anyway, so it'll still be a performance wonder compared to 10.1, right? I'll see when I try some Jaguar builds on my TiBook. Also, I don't have much choice, as 'the computer I would buy right now' is *always* the most expensive PowerBook. And as I can't afford that right now, I'll be staying on my TiBook for the next revision for sure.

So, Steve (our Steve, God Steve, the Steve who made Macintosh possible) has said that Mac OS 9 (the Classic Mac OS) is dead. He's had the box in a coffin, so it's clear. Plus, I've erased Classic from my TiBook lately, as I have no use for it anymore. Let's follow Steve Jobs. Let's have a 21 guns salute. It was a great operating system - at least compared to its own parents System 7 up to Mac OS 8.6.

And now, don't look back. We're on track.
Let's find those .dmg's that some of the devs at WWDC make as soon as they get home. I want the two Client CDs of Jaguar that they were given. *smile*

There it is. :)
hey BlingBling 3k12 buddy, you see, the new technology Job's refered to has happen with this pic. Unfortunately your machine can't support it. Dude, you either need a more expensive video board to view the RIP pic or you'll have the buy the mac I'm selling :p -giggle-

Works fine on my system.

Take it easy bud
