Mac OS X 10.3.4 soon?

ye i've been folowing it on appleinsider it seems to be more like a new build EVERYDAY to me build 7H58 was relesed last tuesday and then build 7H60 on thursday and if your (and your site) is saying that 7H63 is being tested now then it is near enough 1 a day! i think it will be soon - unless they find a bug like they did with the 20" imacs - but thats doubtfull!
well, 'every other day' makes more or less three builds a week, doesn't it? ;-) ... there were known issues with iBooks in 10.3.4, but these have apparently been solved. i haven't found a bug in any of the builds i've tried personally, but i've only started using them with 7H50/7H51a.
Does anyone know if 10.3.4 is going to reverse the temperature change of 10.3.2? Also, have there been any improvements to the battery management for PBs in 10.3.4?
The notes about 10.3.4 say nothing about battery, battery life or temperature. They mention 'application compatibility' (most importantly, the speed-up of starting non-prebound apps), 'device compatibility' (many small things, iPod USB-2 for example) and other changes in the following areas: 'Core OS, Graphics, Imaging, OpenGL, Core Audio, High Level Toolbox' - as mentioned at ThinkSecret, AppleInsider and, of course,
Cheers fryke :D Thnx for the info :)
Lets hope they've put some improvements for those areas in there even if they haven't listed them ...
I can't remember whether 10.3.2 had info about this... Lemme look at the archives... Okay. They didn't mention changes to the battery code for 10.3.2, apparently, so it could just be...
Heat problems in that in 10.3.2 Apple decided it would be best if the 12"PB would switch its fan on at a lower temp than b4 - this leads to more fan noise and more energy consuption :( ... then the battery thing in the PB12" is the stuff of lore. Apple really shot themselves in the foor with this. The 12"PB is simply beautiful ... if only the battery would play ball! I'm currently only getting 30mins out of the bloody thing. It'll show 99%, then slowly go down to about 89% and suddenly die. This is a state of affairs that literally happened over night. I was getting about 2.5hrs out of it - and then one day this happened. The battery life has been a lie from the start - Mr Jobs himselve claimed that they had equaled the iBook performance with the 12"PB - and that just isn't true: I had an iBook before, so I know what I'm talking about.
I'm now hardly able to use the PB as a mobile plattform, because I always have to be in the vicinity of an outlet! ... I'm hoping its a SW thang - but more likely Apple are going to have to overhaul the HW as well. I just hope they do it soon - REAL soon - the Centrinos are looking more attractive by the day (now that a PPC emulation is looking likely and I *may* be able to run my beloved OS X on an x86 arch).

OK - rant over :D

If your PB 12" battery is getting THAT low battery-life, your battery is basically dead. You can try to recalibrate it: Let it drain, charge it, let it drain, charge it etc. ignoring all warnings. But basically: Replace it.
fryke said:
If your PB 12" battery is getting THAT low battery-life, your battery is basically dead. You can try to recalibrate it: Let it drain, charge it, let it drain, charge it etc. ignoring all warnings. But basically: Replace it.

Yeah, definitely replace it dude. Especially if it is still under warranty. If it isn't, it's time for a new battery. Batteries are perishable items on any notebook and depends on your usage habits, they only get so many charges. But, if yours died within the warranty period, then you should get another for free.
Weren't there a lot of problems with the iBook back in 10.2.4 or something about those same things?
Yup, I've heard of such problems with iBooks back then (although mine didn't seem affected)...
Guys - I've been using notebooks since 1989 - I've plenty of experience with batteries :D - with the PB12" its simply that Apple has been selling us c**p products! I got this battery at the beginning of the year. If it'd been a year old, yes, I'd say that's possibly due to overuse - but not after a few months!!! Also, I've *never* had a battery die over night. Normally, the performance of the battery will decrease over time. What's the point in replacing the battery - its just going to happen again a few months down the line ... that's just too much hassle! And when you call the Apple hotline, they're all like 'hey, the batteries do that - you'll have to buy a new one'. That sucks.
BUT: like I said, due to the fact that it happened soon after an update and that it happened over night I'm hoping that its a SW problem. So I'm keeping everything crossed that the next update will help :D
Also: I've checked this on the apple support forum for 12"PBs, and I'm not the only one with this problem - other have *exactly* the same problem. This is simply unacceptable for something that's supposed to be a superior, top of the line product. Lets face it - we buy Apple because we want the best. I just feel like I've been f****ed over by Apple for buying a PB12".

HOWEVER: I would like to thank you all for your input ;) - that's why I love this board - people really want to help ... its just that in this case, I don't think there actually is a solution to the problem ...

I stand corrected (by myself) - I've been using notebooks since 1987, not 1989 (first one: an Amstrad PPC 640DD ... the 640's in the name because it had a *whopping* 640k of memory :D)
LordCoven said:
I'm currently only getting 30mins out of the bloody thing. It'll show 99%, then slowly go down to about 89% and suddenly die. This is a state of affairs that literally happened over night. I was getting about 2.5hrs out of it - and then one day this happened.

The 10.2.6 update did this to my iBook. I was getting 3 hours on a clamshell and after the update battery life deteriorated steadily until I was getting 10 minutes. Supposedly something went corrupted the onboard chip that regulates battery life, maybe it is the same thing. There was talk then (February 2003) of how resetting the pmu would fix it etc, but the only thing that did fix it for me was replacing the battery. After I put in a new one, it went back to normal.

Since then I take out my battery when doing updates.