Mac OS X and an obscure USB arcade controller


I'm trying to get a fairly unusual controller to work with my Mac and I'm running into some small difficulties. I have an iMac (20" LCD, 2.0 Ghz PowerPC) running Mac OS X 10.4.7. I've built a custom arcade controller for use with MacMAME that uses the Ultimarc Mini-PAC controller to connect to the Mac using USB. The Mini-PAC is supposed to look like a keyboard and mouse to the computer.

The keyboard part of the controller is working just fine. Mac OS X recognized it as a keyboard right away and everything that depends on the keyboard controls works great. The problem is that the mouse part of the controller is completely non-responsive. I have a trackball connected to the Ultimarc controller that is supposed to control the mouse pointer in Mac OS X, but I'm getting no movement.

Is there some way to diagnose this problem? Are there any programs that could analyze the USB device and determine the problem? Is there anyway to force Mac OS X to recognize the mouse interface on the controller?

I have no idea if what I'm asking makes any sense but if any of you could help me it would be fantastic. I'm so close to playing some awesome retro arcade games I can almost taste it! :D
I just wanted to record the solution to the problem just in case some other Mac user is thinking of buying a product from Ultimarc. The Mini-PAC works just fine with Mac OS X, there is no need to get special drivers. It was a wiring problem, I didn't have the controls wired correctly.

If anyone is interested in building a custom retro arcade controller for use with MacMAME I highly recommend Ultimarc's products. The Mini-PAC that I've used is perfect and they have excellent customer support.