Mac OS X Installation & Screenshot


Mac Enthusiast
I've been talking to the computer expert at school about Mac OS X, and he owns a copy, both Mac OS X itself and the 10.1 upgrade. I was wondering:

1. Say I inserted the OS X CD into a computer with an empty hard disk, held C and proceeded to startup from this CD, will it just install Mac OS X or does it also install Mac OS 9.2?

2. My friend will be getting an older second-hand iMac soon and we were going to install Mac OS X on it. Surely it won't work ultra well, but is it easy to use after installation?

3. Can somebody take a good quality screenshot of their computer in Mac OS X with say, iTunes, and Macintosh HD open (iTunes in the background top left with Macintosh HD in the bottom right, stretching to the centre. Thanks! :D)

1.No, the Mac OS 9 has it's own seperate installation disk, that your friend should have if he has bought the Mac OS X package. You have to install both OS 9 and OS X, on the same HD or divide it in two and put one OS on each part. I don't know so much about removing classic (OS 9) so please can someone else fill me in on that?

2.Oh yeah, It will probably work nice on an iMac and Mac OS X is very easy to use for beginners. If he/you has any problems, feel free to ask here;)

3. Here you go with a screenshot from me
to remove os 9, drag the os 9 system folder to the trash and empty trash. os 9 will be gone. of course you will probably have to have root permissions enabled, i'm not sure.

it should work on the imac but it goes without saying that mhz will effect its speed. just depends on what you are willing to find acceptable.

i am a proponent of not partitioning, but for more on that subject do a site search. there are several threads that discuss the pros and cons of it.