
Hi i have one laptop from toshiba, would be possible install MAC OS X on it?

If yes, are there any details before i format the hd that i should to know?

Thank you : )
OS X and AQUA: NO! NEVER! EVER! FORGET IT! NO! GO AWAY! Sorry!:p :p :p :p :p :p

Darwin yes! But it looks like you don't know what that is! Darwin is the kernel of OS X. Bt I think you wont need it!:o
Thank you, i will by one mac in the future :)

I tought it would work once time the kernel is based on the BSD, but thats ok!
well, you can run Darwin, and put X11 on it and
run GNOME, WMaker, or Enlightenment
or any other window manager.

It isnt MacOSX per se, but it is Darwin... That is new Mac.
ryubr: Instead of being a Mac zealot like the other posters ;), I'll be nice and tell you some of the reason(s) why it won't work.

First of all, yes, OS X has a BSD core. But that's where the similarities to UNIX end. Much of the other stuff is all Apple-proprietary stuff, like QuickTime and Aqua.

One of the main reasons that Apple will not release OS X that runs on PCs is because of the legacy apps. The Classic Environment, which is the OS 9 emulator, would be non-existant on PCs, because you can't install it. Furthermore, Classic apps would not even work, because of the same reason. Classic apps were designed for the Mac before it gained a UNIX command line, so they wouldn't run on something like a PC.

Second, Carbon apps would have to be reprogrammed to run on a new processor other than PowerPCs. This is another problem, because you would basically still not be able to use any of the Mac apps out on the market.

Third, Apple is known for its outstanding high quality because, as Steve Jobs says, "We [Apple] make the whole widget." If Apple had to support all the PC hardware and the sound cards and the ethernet cards and the USB cards and the Firewire cards on the PC market, its quality would go drastically down the drain, and supporting all this would bring down the true Mac side of things.

So this is why you won't be able to run Mac OS X on a PC, and probably will never be able to.
Thank for the great explanation!

Im planning buy a mac soon, here in Brazil mac are't so popular, so they're expensive, i need to found a good option beacuse i want to learn and enter on the mac world!

again Thanks! :D

Only the PIIX4 IDE controllers have been found to work.
Attached devices must be UDMA/33 compatible or better.
Intel 8255x 10/100 ethernet controllers are supported.
You must have a VESA 2.0 compliant video card. Almost all
modern graphics cards are VESA 2.0 compliant. However, emulators
such as vmware do not have VESA 2.0 compliant emulated video cards.
Successfully tested hardware:
All 440BX motherboards tested have worked with their internal
IDE controllers.
IBM ThinkPad A21m (with onboard Intel ethernet)
Known to not be supported:
All AMD and VIA based systems.

Hrm. Looks like it WILL work.

Yes, it is not OSX. Yes, it is Darwin, Yes XFree86 works, Yes, GNOME works.