Mac Osx - E-mac - Servers


Hi All,
I have just puchased an E-Mac and have three other computers. I bought the E-mac to act as the Server but unfortunately when I try and connect to it on any of the computers or try to connect to any of the other computers It doesn't see any of the computers. They are all connected using PPPoE except the server doesn't have the internet only connected to the network HUB...
Can you give us a clearer decription of what's going on, Tom. What type of server are you trying to set up? Are all the machines on the same subnet, and how have you set it up? How have you assigned IP addresses, and how have you connected the machines to the Internet and to the hub?

Even on my home system, with just 3 computers, this is a complex issue. I have one PC connected to the Internet on one of its network ports, and onto a hub on the other. It acts as the internet gateway and DHCP server for the other computers connected to the hub.

If you could clarify a few points for us, about how the eMac is connected and what you are trying to do with it, we can certainly help you out.

By the way, where in Australia are you?
I will try and be more clearer:
Our Ethernet and and ADSL is all connected to the same router, the brand is Net Gear.

The E-Mac in system preferences in TCP/IP has Using PPP checked.

The other 3 computers Have Using PPP checked, and PPPoE has Connect using PPPoE checked and each person has an account to connect to the ISP filled out in there. The E-Mac does not have an account.

Whenever I Select "Go" "Connect to Server", it doesn't find any of the computers.

If in Network I take "Connect using PPPoE" and then in TCP/IP I make it "Using DHCP" I can then see all the servers if I go "Connect to server", but then I can't connect to the internet...
Thanks for your help,