Mac OSX HELP ME!!!!!


I have a PowerBook G4 and for some reason it is using Mac OS 9.2.2. How can I make it use Mac OSX? PLEASE HELP!!:(
do you have a ti-book or aluminum. you could have a dual boot version of os x and you might just need to change your start up disk
Yep. Apple Menu, Control Panels, Startup Volume. If OS X is installed, it should show up there as a selectable volume. Once it's selected, you can close the control panel and restart the computer and it should boot up in OS X.
If you later want to go back to OS 9, you can go to Apple Menu, System Preferences, Startup Volume and do the reverse, i.e. select the volume with OS 9 on it.

If there's no installation of OS X to be found, you'd have to install it, of course, first.