
I am configuring a MAC lab with 30 ibooks and my problem is

When Netscape starts up the splash screen shows for a few seconds and then nothing happens.

When Internet Explorer starts an error comes up saying that this version of Internet Explorer doesn't run on this system.

I have the accounts on the mac os x server configured to NOT use home directories.

Can someone help me ?
ibooks are running on OS X
Netscape is 7
Internet Explorer - 5.1

Sorry, I should have explained more in my post.

I had that problem with Netscape when my file system was UFS. If that's your case, switch it back to HSF+
I wish I knew ..

super, posting in one of the boards here is enough - if the post is better in an other, e.g. in unix than in network etc, it will be moved there. so just post once in one of the boards and someone will figure the right place for th topic.. ;)

Hey, welcome on board! :)

what exactly is the system version, and which models are the ibooks? is the problem the same on all of them?
version is 10.1.5 , ibook model is base model, 700 mhz processor, 20 GB hard drive, 129 RAM, 12.1'' screen. I am seeting up a lab of 30 ibooks.

same prob on all the computers?
try upgrading one of them to 10.2.4 and see if stuff works better then - old system versions might have trouble running newer software
This might be obvious, but have you tried downloading and reinstalling the browsers? I am guessing you have an internet connection from a computer somewhere.
I had a similar problem with outlook, but it was because the date was wrong after one of the updates. I set it to the right time and it worked fine. Sorry, not much help!
set up to NOT use home directories? That's the part that intrigues me. So these users who log in, do they have a home directory in which their apps can write their preferences?

As for automounting an asp re-export of an nfs share, did you mean AFP? In which case, it's just an AFP share and no special rules apply just because it's an nfs export/import. So automounting like creating the preference for loginItems so that when the user logs in their favorite directory is mounted? There are also gobs of things you can do if your user information is coming out of LDAP instead of the local NetInfo DB.

I could throw more arbitrary answers but I have little faith in the accuracy with which I have speculated your problem.

Oh, and try OmniWeb if you're playing around with browsers, but since you NEED IE and NS, yuck. Those are my two least favorite.
man your a lucky guy to have a 30 ibook lab - wanna mail me one?
super, my guess is that you are using the ie and netscape with no user's folder. when the app opens ie writes a in your ~/Library/Preferences directory and as a quick test i deleted the plist (property list) and revoked all my priveliges to the ~/Library/Preferences directory (so ie couldn't make the .plist file) and it launched internet explorer. low and behold - the ie splashscreen comes up, ie asks if i want to use it as my default browser (heck no bia$) and then it tried to write its .plist file and couldn't (it didn't have the priveliges too) so it quit. (hahaha)
this is probably the same thing that happened to you - it can't write the plist files so it can't function properly. os x is designed around the user files, and it is real hard to get around using them. i would just put a default user on each ibook and an admin user ( so the general users can't mess the computer up too much ) and go from there. now i gotta fix the priveliges in my library. later!