Mac Pro (Xeon) Video Card Options...


I am looking at my options for the Mac Pro.

My plans are to buy from Apple a Mac Pro at student discount configured normally with the following exceptions:
2GHz processors
160GB Hard Drive

My plans are to later acquire both another gigabyte of RAM and a superior graphics/video card.

So my questions are as follows.

1. Does anyone know how long it will take to get the Mac when I order from the Apple Store Online? Does it increase the time to configure with a lesser processor and hard drive?

2. What kind of RAM do I need to acquire? Certainly I will not buy from Apple as I know their prices are ridiculous. However I want to make sure to get the right kind.

3. This is the most important one I believe. I am looking at the X1900 XT option, and seeing a $400 price tag that just doesn't seem reasonable for what is now a fairly low grade card. I have heard rumors that you can purchase a non-EFI card intended for PC, and then flash the BIOS to be EFI and it will work fine.

A. Is this true? Are there driver issues of any sort doing this?
B. What kind of card for the PC would I need to buy, exactly? I see many different variations of X1900 and do not wish to obtain the wrong one.

Thanks people.