Mac-specific games?


Are there any good games that are Mac-specific? By saying this, I mean, are there any games that are dominant in the OS X arena analogous to how Grand Theft Auto III was for the PlayStation 2?

I have an X-Box, but it just seems like if I was traveling, I would would probably desire a game to play.

All the best,

Not sure. Try Unreal Tournament 2004 out though and if you don't want to spend, Americas Army is a really good game.
Airburst Extreme springs to mind, as well as Escape Velocity Nova and the Big Bang Board Games. That said, my own game folder reads like this:

America's Army, Big Bang Chess, Bugdom, Cro-Mag Rally, Deimos Rising, Emulators (SNES, Gameboy, GBA, etc...),
Freecell, Freedom Force, GLTron, Incoming, Maelstrom, MarbleBlast Gold, Nanosaur2, No one lives forever, Pac the Man, Popcap games (Mummy maze, bejewelled, seven seas, alchemy deluxe), Quake 1 2 and 3, Quinn, Rock Star (a ripper little shareware game that plays music trivia based on your iTunes library), SpyHunter, Star Trek Voyager Elite Force, Superbrain, Tomb raider Chronicles, Tux Paint, Unreal Tournament, UT2004, Warcraft3 ...

The best bargains you'll find in the Mac Games market are a couple of multi-games packs from Aspyr (Such as the "Leave the Lights on" box set which includes Bloodrayne, Undying and Alice), and Quake 3 gold edition I picked up for $10 AU.
Neverwinter Nights and expansion packs are very very cool. Add the user created modules some of which are very good, and you will never be bored again, ever!
Otto Matic is a Mac-only game. Is it as amazing as GTA III? Um. No.

Cro-Mag Rally is cool and exclusive too. I can't get my wheel working with it, though. I haven't tried USB Overdrive yet.

Having said (typed) all that, who cares if they're Mac only? For someone like me, who has no PC, it REALLY doesn't matter. I'm playing Splinter Cell right now. _Very_ cool!
