Mac Tech I applied For


Senior Switcher Tech Guru
Hi guys wish me luck tomorrow I go for a interview at the Mac Center here in Florida... I am truly excited.
Originally posted by dlloyd
Good Luck! Do they give you a 'cheap computer' deal with the job?

lmao... I don't think they do... but maybe if I land this job I get inside information... who knows... I won't know till 3pm Eastern time when my interview is set... :p
Heh. I used to work for MacCenter. Had to quit, though because the school system they hired me to work with up here in VA ended up backing out of the deal. That coupled with Apple taking over K-12 sales around the same time. They did offer to keep me on… if I moved down to Ft. Lauderdale. Wife wasn't too keen on leaving her family or on moving to South Fl.

IIRC they do have an employee purchase plan deal on refurbs and discontinued items. And they give you a laptop for use in the field (that is if you're a field tech).

But I'm guessing you didn't get it, as it's been 10 days since your last reply. Good luck though if you just haven't heard back from them. They're a good bunch of people to work for.
Originally posted by cybergoober
Heh. I used to work for MacCenter. Had to quit, though because the school system they hired me to work with up here in VA ended up backing out of the deal. That coupled with Apple taking over K-12 sales around the same time. They did offer to keep me on… if I moved down to Ft. Lauderdale. Wife wasn't too keen on leaving her family or on moving to South Fl.

IIRC they do have an employee purchase plan deal on refurbs and discontinued items. And they give you a laptop for use in the field (that is if you're a field tech).

But I'm guessing you didn't get it, as it's been 10 days since your last reply. Good luck though if you just haven't heard back from them. They're a good bunch of people to work for.

No I did not get the job due to a technicality on their part... They are not a pleasant internal crowd... Outwardly yes... but internally no..
My cousin said that they all treated him like jerks when he went to work in Austin , especially his boss, and quit.
Originally posted by Vyper
Ed.... it was deleted for some reason or another >=(

I edited my own post... the reason for it's deletion was because I decided to name the 2 people who messed with me... Yes it was not professional... but it sure felt good when I got it off my chest.