Mac to PC & PC to Mac File Sharing???


Hi guys.
I'm sorry to say I bought a PC today. I thought I never would.... but I can't wait no longer for the MacPro Intel G5 Towers to arrive so I went out a bought a high spex Dimensions 5150 for checking my web design on a PC. To be honest... all went well with the setup... pretty much plug and play... until it came to integrating this new box of trick with my existing four Macs network. I have a G5, a G4, a G3 and a G4 Powerbook.. all communicating perfectly. I have followed this following link ( to try and set up this so called "easy networking solution", but I don't seem to be able to get it to work... sometimes folders appear which seem to allow me access to my new PC, but I check a few boxes and they disappear again. Does anyone out there know of a fail safe, dummies guide to setting up my new PC added network.

Any suggestions very most welcome...

Yours sincerely,
Anthony MacCarthy
Irish MacUser and MacAddict
If these Macs of yours are running OS X, have you enabled the Windows Sharing option in System Preferences-->Sharing? There's also an option to allow users to log in from Windows in System Preferences-->Accounts.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out. :)
Hi Nixgeek.... I have Windows Sharing turned on... plus I have SMB checked in teh Director Access file in my Utilities folder. I sem to be only able to get so far... and then when I key into my Connect Server settings... it just keeps looking... not like connecting my Mac to Mac where the other computer pops up almost instantly..... I dunno what I'm doing wrong. How long should all this take... is it a complicated task..??

Yours sincerely,
Go back into Directory Access, higlight SMB/CFIS and click Configure to set your Workgroup name. Make sure it's the same as your PC's.
ra3ndy said:
Go back into Directory Access, higlight SMB/CFIS and click Configure to set your Workgroup name. Make sure it's the same as your PC's.

...Yeah...what he said.... ;)