Mac users are smarter than Windows users (generally).


Mac users are generally brighter than Windows users.

This was posted today at MacCentral. Interesting read:

I alluded to this in an previous post in a question-like format:

Ed Spruiel has a similarly related post here (results technically not valid):

While I suspected this, I could not substaniate my hypothesis. Glad someone else was able to do a thorough job with the research. I'm also glad I'm in the "elite" crowd.
We all knew it to be true, I mean...who'd choose a grey, old-looking, box over a wonderful, magical, work of art?

...I thought so...
Now I'm pissed. I scored 1440 on the SAT and 35 on the ACT. If I would have been using a Mac back in those days, my scores would have been 1600 and 36. Damn it!

The article is kind of a laughable read. How shopping online is a measure of intelligence is beyond me. Also, a greater percentage of Mac users compared to PC using the internet could easily mean Mac users are more socially inept.

That wouldn't be a surprise considering their inability to communicate outside their "elitest" clique.

Anyway, like I said, the article is good for a laugh but not exactly scientific. It'll bring out the MS/PC trolls, and that's always fun.

While I'm off writting my Master's Thesis, die hard Mac-fanatics/PC-trolls will be here arguing how PCs suck and OS X reigns supreme over Windows. Enjoy. :)
Am useum makntush fer yeers noo an am pleesd thit am are noo seemed cluvur fanks too them bofings.
Elmer Ph.u.d
I wil now kontinu to wach paint dry as furthir proove of my notPCusin cluvurniss

obligitory boast about my kitbit which includes:- a flewores¢ komputur thingy wif lettirs an numbahs. It sez iMac.......well, to be onest, i did'nt knot you no!