Mac Users Decide 2004


Staff member
It is coming up on Election time in the United States and if there is one thing that divides even the Mac community and that is politics. Whether you believe Steve Jobs that most Mac users are indeed Democrats or perhaps the Rush Limbaugh's of the world who are proud Mac users and yet very Republican now is your time to divide and discuss this coming election.

To keep the fruit, vegetables and fists from flying, two sites have been created, for Left-Wing Mac users, and for Right-Wing Mac users.

Now has never been a better time to be an American and to show your true colors, Red, White and Blue. Choose your direction and get to your political discussions.
I'm def a hardcore right winger...but...with only 1 person registered at the republican site(the admin)...doesn't seem worth it to sign up
Basically nothing related to 'Apple News, Rumours and discussion' .... this could be moved to the Cafe.

yo site founder or mods, do ur job right, or do we have to remind u all the time?
We have to choose between those two? What about us independents?!? <G> Oh well, republican it is I guess.
Hmm... I'm not American. But I'm a Mac user. I'm not a 'democrat' as in "the US democrats" but rather a bit more to the left. Shortcutting US citizens would probably call me a communist, although the reason for that lies in US history rather than my person.

But: While I, too, think this should rather be in the Café, I do see the reason why ScottW put it here: Apple General can go as far, and the Café is for anything NON-Apple, and this thread's not entirely non-Apple. :)

Now the other question, of course, would be whether creating such a thread could be called flame-bait. :p (just kidding...)

I'd say... Rather than discussing whether left or right is 'better' or 'more true', we should discuss in this thread what could lead to the wide-spread assumption that Apple people are rather left-wing people than right-wing... _I_ guess it's because so many writers, musicians and filmmakers use Macs. And they certainly lend the Mac _their_ image, which is (oversimplifyingly) more left than right.

And as with all oversimplifying thoughts, this one, too, isn't true. 's that rhyme? ;-)
Looks like this fish has no wings, right or left... :D

I find it a shame that the political discussion in the US has been reduced to labels and sound-bites.

(offstage - OK, Cut - that's a wrap. Anyone for lunch?)