Macbook OS 10.4.11 Coreservicesd Crash - Can Replicate


Hello Everyone,
A buddy of mine recently gave me his black Macbook. It had one hard drive fail and then it was acting up after it was replaced so he gave it to me to fix to either keep or sell...
Anyway I re-installed Tiger from the two install CDs. I didn't do an archive and install, I chose to erase everything. After booting it up it seemed fine but then I got the spinning pinwheel for about 3 or 4 minutes. After reading up on it online I found how to use Console and I was able to see that it was Coreservicesd crashing. Upon further research I found that this was often caused by Icons...
This seems to make perfect sense to me because the only time it happens is when I first boot the system and click on Applications. This will induce a few minute hang and then many of the icons will be incorrect or black & white, or just all together not there.

I just updated to 10.4.11 and the problem is still there.

Can anyone help me out and try to solve this problem?

Welcome to!

Well, I can't tell you I've ever seen this before in my personal experience but I don't mind working with you to see if we can fix it together. How long between the time that you reformatted to the time that this problem started? One idea that pops into my head that might be able to fix your problem is go to Applications -> Utilities -> Disk Utility

Then on the left panel select Macintosh HD, then in the right panel, push the "repair disk permissions" button and let me know how that works out
After doing the permissions repair it said this:
"Repairing permissions for “Mac HDD”
Determining correct file permissions.

Permissions repair complete
Permissions differ on ./usr/standalone/i386/boot.efi, should be -r--r--r-- , they are -r-xr-xr-x
Owner and group corrected on ./usr/standalone/i386/boot.efi
Permissions corrected on ./usr/standalone/i386/boot.efi
The privileges have been verified or repaired on the selected volume"

I'm going to try a reboot now and see how it works.
