Macbook + PC/HP PSC 1315xi networking issue


ok so i just bought a macbook and i already have a desk top pc and a laptop pc networked together and they work perfectly i have a linksys wireless internet connection and the PC lap top can print off the desktops printer which is an Hp psc 1315xi. But ive tried everything to get the Macbook to print of the printer but it just wont. Its part of the workgroup and i can transfer files to and from the pc's and the mac but the mac will not print. If someone could tell me how this can be done i would greatly appreciate it thank you

Network printing/Windows printing only works with a driver that was meant for network printing. To use the OS X built-in CUPS network choices, you need a CUPS driver. For postscript printers, it's not an issue, because postscript is the native output of OS X, and can easily be routed to the various choices in Printer Setup.
Non-postscript printers are Very Different. Except for Brother, no manufacturer has provided CUPS drivers. Instead, what you get are Carbonized, OS9 legacy drivers, that have the comm protocol written into the driver (mostly USB). They can only print via local connection.
**Exception - when printing via an Airport/Bonjour enabled print server, where the software does a port redirection, USB output from the Mac gets routed to the USB port on Airport Express/Extreme.

Until HP provides CUPS drivers, use the hpijs and ESP ghostscript set:

And follow this guide: