MacBookPro--LED Backlighting?


Been saving my pennies to buy a new MacBook Pro ("MBP") to replace this TiG4PB -- & waiting to buy it with Leopard pre-loaded. I undertand that 15" MBPs are now equipped with LED backlighting ("LED-BL"). Some questions:

1. Does anyone have experience with a LED-BL equipped MBP? Pros? Cons?

2. I do GPS mapping for archaeology. Is the LED-BL better (brighter) for use in high ambient light ( the car with mapping S/W & GPS running real-time)?

3. In my cartography work, I really need the 17" (high-res option) MBP screen. Has anyone heard anything about Apple potentially offering the 17" MBP with LED backlighting?



100% Apple since the 16K Apple II+ with audio cassette "hard drive"...
Apple has said that for environmental reasons, they will transition their entire line to LED backlights (which contain no mercury, unlike flourescent backlights). From
Our ability to completely eliminate fluorescent lamps in all of our displays depends on how fast the LCD industry can transition to LED backlighting for larger displays.


Apple plans to reduce and eventually eliminate the use of mercury by transitioning to LED backlighting for all displays when technically and economically feasible.

So, they aren't giving specifics. I'm not up to date on the status of LED backlighting throughout the industry, but as far as I know nobody offers larger LED-backlit LCDs yet. Maybe there are more concrete timelines from LCD manufacturers.
Eric2006 & Mikuro: Thanks much! Sounds like I might's well go ahead and buy the high-end 17" with CCFL, since I am usually plugged-in to AC or my van's solar-backed-up DC...

Just as soon as I do so, it's inevitable that my old friends at Apple will ship LEDBL ("Santa Rosa"?) 17" MBPs, though... ;-(

Same old story: go ahead and buy the Mac you need now -- and cry about what you missed out on -- next week... '-)