MacBookPro MemoryController Dead?! But it sometimes works...


Hi Guys,

For a month or so I'm having problems with my MacBook Pro (specs) The problem is that sometimes it won't startup after, for example, a reboot when doing an autoupdate. Or when I shut it down when I go to work it won't boot up when I'm at work. Really frustrating...

Last week I brought it to my local Macstore and they did a check. Put in a HD with some test tool or something. Conclusion: there is a problem with my Memory Controller and I need a new Logic Board and it will coast €680,- that's about $800.... :eek:

I took it with me to think it over. So when I got home I turned it on, and hey it starts (in the store it didn't:mad:). I haven't turned it of until an hour ago when I put in the Apple Hardware Test DVD, it's now running all the tests in loop but no errors.

Maybe someone saw this problem before?
Maybe someone nows how to test logicboard failures, because i don't know if the store has been honest to me?

Thanks in advance

20/10/2009 19:30
Testing again -> Put in the Snow Leopard CD and installing it. This way the macbook will work for some time and then has to restart. We will see what will happen.
20/10/2009 19:43
- Error tekst in 5 languages that i have to hard restart by pressing power button for 5 seconds
- Restart wont work
- Pulled battery out for 5 minutes
- Sound and it boots again, continues installation snow leopard :S
20/10/2009 19:50
- Error during install, couldn't continue.... Restart
- Won't restart, pulled battery out waiting
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